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Below is an excerpt from a blog for dental labs.

I think they nailed what branding for a dentist is… with the key being… how are you different from every other dentist in your area? Differentiation is critical if you want to rise above the pack. What do YOU do that is different, special, unique and worth talking about? And they mention “offering people what they REALLY want.” A little hint: based on Google searches, they want headache relief about 20X as they want cosmetic dentistry or orthodontics. Are you providing what patients REALLY want?

Another aspect of establishing a brand is having an area of expertise that targets a specific market. For example, if you want to attract denture patients, focus on comfort and chewing. Theodore Levitt, a former Harvard marketing professor once wrote, “People don’t want a ¼” drill, what they really want is a ¼” hole.” Focus on being an expert in offering what people really want, and then package it in your branding message.

How important is branding online?

Neilson research indicates 61% of consumers will search online for services. According to branding expert, Debbie LaChusa, visitors to your website “…don’t have the opportunity to come into your place of business, meet you, and experience your business environment and personality in person.” Your website should separate you from other dentists in your area. To make a good first impression and establish trust, graphic design and content need to immediately connect with a visitor’s concerns. You must quickly, and effectively tell your story.

You can read the full post here:

Happy Grinding to All!

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